Forum Discussion

dcmac214's avatar
Aug 23, 2014

? Anode "Nut" Question -- Anti-Freeze 'Stuff"?

Seeing the post about the rusted-tight anode got me to re-thinking a question I've been wanting to ask and keep forgetting (see what you young whippersnappers have to look forward to?!).

Is there anything that can be done to ensure the anode doesn't stick tight in the water heater? My solution so far has been 6pt socket and 24" cheater on the ratchet, but it gets a little bit harder every year (and I get a little older every year...). Is there any kind of non-toxic, non-water-soluble anti-freeze stuff? I've asked local dealer and the dealer where we bought our 5er and neither had an answer better than teflon tape.
  • If you put enough Teflon tape on it to prevent metal-to-metal contact it will not corrode. It will also not protect the shell of your water heater unless you rig a ground wire of some sort to electrically bond the anode to the shell.

    If you're going to put a lot of tape on it and do nothing else you might as well replace the anode with a simple pipe plug and forget about it.

    I suggest using the paste product.
  • Much better than tape is a 'plumbers putty stick' great extra for the toolbox.
  • I drain my water heater for winter storage, never have a problem getting it out with a 6 point socket.
  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    dcmac214 wrote:
    Seeing the post about the rusted-tight anode got me to re-thinking a question I've been wanting to ask and keep forgetting (see what you young whippersnappers have to look forward to?!).

    Is there anything that can be done to ensure the anode doesn't stick tight in the water heater? My solution so far has been 6pt socket and 24" cheater on the ratchet, but it gets a little bit harder every year(and I get a little older every year...).Thank God for that.. :B Is there any kind of non-toxic, non-water-soluble anti-freeze stuff? I've asked local dealer and the dealer where we bought our 5er and neither had an answer better than teflon tape.
    I use vegetable oil, or Crisco, you can use silicone grease, or Vasoline, (but that's petroleum based).I don't use Teflon tape, & have never had a leak.
  • Use a bathroom scum remover with acid in the mix like CLR. Put some on the threads and then work the pipe nipple like OB recommends, The acid will remove the scale and you should have bright threads. Reinstall with multiple wraps of teflon tape. You will still have metal contact between the anode and the tank. I'd recommend not to use Crisco because it contains salts and vegetable oil turns sour but may work reasonably well.