Forum Discussion

rvshrinker's avatar
Explorer III
May 31, 2020

% bleach to sanitize fresh water tanks

First time doing this chore.

Most sources say to use household bleach 1/4 cup for every 15 gallons of fresh water capacity. Mix required bleach amount in some fresh water, pour into your tanks, fill with potable water, let sit, drain, rinse.

However other sources say 1/4 cup for 10 gallons.

For a 60 gallon freshwater tank, this is either 1 cup or 1.5 cups of bleach.

But according to this fact sheet from the Northeastern University Dept of Environmental Health Sciences, bleach should be concentrated at 5000 - 20,000 ppm to disinfect. 5% bleach is 50,000 ppm, 10% bleach 100,000 ppm, etc. This would imply diluting 5% bleach no more than 10:1 to get to a concentration of 5000 ppm, the minimum for disinfecting. Then the 60 gallon tank needs ~5 gallons of 5% bleach and 55 gallons of water to be diluted properly for disinfection.

That’s a big difference.

And this Idaho DEQ website says dilute 1000:1:

What is the correct concentration of bleach to disinfect the water tanks?