wa8yxm wrote:
As to the A/C.. had that kind of problem when this coach was new.
Led me to make the following joke: Many RVers have a few screws loose.
Now, which screws am I talking about? I decided to start my trouble shooting at the main power distribution panel (Breaker box) Noticed wires moved fairly easily in some of the breakers.. Grabbed the #2 Square bit and started tightening screws.. One took over two full turns before it started to offer resistance,,,, Nearly 3 full turns to tight.
And you thought I meant the kind of screws you DON'T use a screwdriver on.
I did have this trouble with my Winegard antennae power outlet. The button wouldn't stay on after the first day. I pulled the outlet, and firmed up the connections, and IT WORKED!! Very proud of myself!!! I'm not all that mechanical :W
I'll check on some more connections to see if that helps!