Well, here's what everyone was waiting for.......
I BOUGHT IT!!! I was able to get the guy down to $2,250 and I think that was a reasonable price if not a hair high.. I went and picked it up tonight. It started right up and I drove it home.(I actually didn't even make it a block before a guy stopped me and asked if it was sale. Good thing he didn't know his neighbor was selling!)
I got much more comfortable with the purchase after getting it going 55 down the highway (70 if you went off of the speedometer). I probably put 25 miles on it tonight without a hitch... well, other than the power steering leak which I found is just a bad hose so it should be an easy fix for that.
I dug a little deeper on everything and have found a hand full of different switches that I have no idea what they do so that might take a while to figure out but that will just come with time. Another issue I ran into is that the drivers side headlight fried after being on for a short while so I have to start looking around for a short for that but again, I'm not to concerned, especially that it doesn't get dark until after 10 PM here this time of year.
So here are a few pictures I took when I got home a bit ago.
Let me know what you guys think!