westend wrote:
Cool beans!
I'd be all over that camper with a tube of Geocel sealant. It looks like you have a few seam issues.
Have any trips planned? That Dodge is made for Alaska!
That is also already on the quickly growing list. I plan on replacing a hand full of screws around a few of the corners and spending an hour or two with a tube of sealant.
Due to my work season up here I normally don't have much free time in the summer months other than the couple of holiday weekends. It would be great if I could get everything squared away before the 4th of July weekend and do the 350 mile trip down to Valdez to do a little fishing. Valdez is the main place I travel to if I have a long weekend and there is a pretty good mountain pass to cross to get there but I'm not too concerned. Worst case I need to get the camper up to par for a trip to Valdez for a Halibut charter I have booked on August 8th so that's a must!
I would also like to get down to Chitina Alaska to do some dip netting for salmon in September too but it is dependent on work.
I'm heading to Canada for Memorial weekend but I'm not at all comfortable enough to take this camper into a different country right away!
I'm glad there is so much interest in the unique camper and will try and keep everyone up to date as much as possible!