mowermech wrote:
"isn't an interference engine"??
Have you ever had one jump time?
I have, and after replacing the chain and sprockets, it would not start. After replacing the heads (cheaper than a valve job), it ran fine. There were a number of bent valves in the original heads, presumably due to contact with the piston crowns.
Oh, wait, that might have been a 318, come to think of it. I don't remember for sure. It was in the early 1980s, after all...
Yes, numerous times. I ran a shop in the early 80's and prefer Chrysler products for my personal use. I've replaced timing sets that jumped one tooth and still ran and jumped so far as to not run at all. Unless it has shaved heads, the LA engine has ample clearance. Now, get into the Magnum engines from 1992 and up, it may be different. The Chrysler small blocks from 1964 to 1991 aren't interference engines.