Hoosier Welcome. While I have a 2x4, my next truck will probably be a 4x4. I have gotten stuck in a wet grass field where we store our 5er. Also the 4x4 makes life in the snow a little nicer if you plan to drive it during the winter.
Is it needed, no, might it come in handy, yes.
I'd look for the largest capacity truck I could find in my budget. Since the 10,000 GVWR is not a real issue in IN, I'd look at possibly a F350/3500 since insurance wise, my agent says I'm ok will 14,000# GVWR. If you make the move to a 5er you'll be glad for the cargo capacity. Cost of a F250 vs F350 SRW is minor. Not all trucks are created equal. Need to check each individual truck's specs.