Kyte wrote:
Newbie here..
I bought (5) new tires last spring with the intention of mounting them early last summer. But because of house projects, never got to
it. Just now checked the tire date codes. surprise..surprise.
They are MAXXIS ST-205/75 R14 LRC
Date codes:
They average 3.5 to 4 years old. Always stored in doors. Wondering
if I could get 2 to 3 years out of them or should I sell them to a farmer for a hay wagon.
Thanks in advance.
Kyte in NW PA
OK my understanding is that you bought the tires and did not mount them on any wheel correct. They have been stored indoors out of sunlight and away from any weather correct.
With those comsiderations I would agree with parkmanaa and use them but still keep an eye on the tires.
Good luck