Forum Discussion

Kyte's avatar
Jan 23, 2014

4 year old tires, but never used

Newbie here..

I bought (5) new tires last spring with the intention of mounting them early last summer. But because of house projects, never got to
it. Just now checked the tire date codes. surprise..surprise.

They are MAXXIS ST-205/75 R14 LRC
Date codes:


They average 3.5 to 4 years old. Always stored in doors. Wondering
if I could get 2 to 3 years out of them or should I sell them to a farmer for a hay wagon.

Thanks in advance.
Kyte in NW PA
  • Very dangerous and expensive to dispose of.

    Send them to me and I will dispose of them for free. :B
  • 4yrs old laying around , sell them and buy new ,as for the listing DON,T WORRY ABOUT THEM, ever have a tire blow tear up thousands of dollars of under carriage ?? that would change your thinking.
  • Depends on how they were stored. If they were in a cool dry place with out a lot of air circulation and not exposed to the sun. I would give them a good visual inspection and use them.
    If they were close to electric motors for much of that time I would be hesitant. Motors generate ozone which is a key culprit in breaking down rubber compounds.
  • You can do what you want. But as someone who has had to change a 4 year old tire on the side of the road, and then saw the condition of the other 3 when they came off. I wouldn't use them but one year.

    Tires dry out from nonuse. Rolling, lubricates the side walls. If they don't roll they dry out. You can take great care of them, keep them covered, and aired up. But if they don't roll. they dry out.
    Me. I learned my lesion. My tires were new in 2012. This is their 3rd, and last summer on my TT.
  • Use 'em and don't worry.
    This tire age thing is a very successful marketing ploy.
    Go to the TIRE MANUFACTURER'S website and read their
    recommendations on number of years to use your tires.
    Don't listen to a dealer, marketing person, or your
    brother-in-law. Lot of hear-say, developed by the same
    marketers that sold kids expiration dates on breakfast
    cereal years ago.

    40 years in the tire industry; seen it all and done most of it.