"jasonofthefifth".....It's really difficult to produce a book that can explain the ins and outs of RVing and maintenance of systems. There are just too many types from tent trailers to Prevost buses.
My suggestion would be to first load your profile so that we can see exactly what RV you're asking questions about, for example, 2015 Jayco 25' Hybrid.
Second, find things that you want to know more about and come here and ask. There are no stupid questions and often even the simplest of things someone has found a better way to do it. Something as basic
as the best water hose can create pages of discussion, but you'll see several suggestions and then pick one that best fits your style of camping.
Just reading through the previous posts, people have already given you some good info. You can pretty much post a question day or night and get a response within 30 minutes, even at 4:00 am.