Over my lifetime, I've had two air conditioners and one refrigerator destroyed by fluctuating power. All happened during storms that were turning the power on / off several times. The power would try to come back on two or three times in juat a few seconds. That's what killed the ACs and fridge.
Fast forward a few years and we got a TT. One of my first purchases was a TRC Surge Guard. It will not put power to the trailer until there are 128 seconds of stable power coming through the pedestal.
We've had the power on/ off issue several times at RV parks since - and I'm always happy to know that the Surge Guard is protecting the electronics, including the AC, in my trailer.
Was told long ago by some AC techs, that if the power goes off - make sure to turn off the ACs and other high draw appliances. When the power comes back on, those appliances are very susceptible to damage.
Leaving your AC switched on in your RV, and expecting it to start when you plug into the pedestal is asking for the AC to be ruined.