Forum Discussion

Gonzo42's avatar
Mar 05, 2014

Adventures in the Driveway


Unless you are a candidate for a Darwin Award, avoid doing this:

I was 'urged' to clean the roof of the Mother Ship. It seems that our neighbor has a sick Chinese Elm and its leaves and oil drip onto the Mother Ship. They refuse to do anything about it, even after repeated requests.

So in order to clean the roof I got some Cleaner Wax and scrubbed the whole top. This is where it gets dangerous, because the roof is now very slippery, even more than before.

The only part I couldn't get was the overcab nose cone front. Even though I have several ladders, the only way to reach it is with a scaffold, which I don't have.

Fair warning !!
  • In our neck of the woods, those limbs overhanging the property line are my responsibility.

    And BTW, in the summer months, a soapy roof could become a fun slip-an-slide.
  • Warning taken. Thanks.

    If you don't want to make the neighbors mad (good neighbors), maybe you could offer to trim the tree back yourself or hire an arborist to do it for them.

    If your neighbors are jerks, you can probably legally cut the tree back to your property line. But I'd make sure the law was on your side before doing so.
  • Why not cut the tree back to the property line? Even on your nickle.