Forum Discussion

er78mph's avatar
Sep 29, 2016

Battery disconect switch

So I plugged in my trailer to shore power to charge prior to my camping trip but the disconnect switch is on the "off" position. Would the converter still charge the batteries? The reason I asked is because my trailer is stored at another location and I am wondering if I should go back in order to switch it ON to adequately charge? Thanks
  • Invest in a voltmeter. So easy to tell if the shore power or engine is charging effectively.
  • I figured it was not charging and it was not. Fortunately I thought of it because we would have been dry camping without a battery :) I have not invested on a generator or solar charger. Thanks!
  • It varies from RV to RV. On some, the converter is disconnected, and on others it is not. If the converter is a unit in the same chassis as the load center, which is perhaps the most common, then the disconnect switch will isolate it from the battery and prevent charging.
  • Perhaps Motorhomes are different, or just our motorhome, but our converter is directly connected to the battery. The disconnect switch disconnects everything except the converter.

  • Yup, total disconnect from the converter. The only power our TT has with the battery disconnected is the break-away switch.
  • er78mph wrote:
    So I plugged in my trailer to shore power to charge prior to my camping trip but the disconnect switch is on the "off" position. Would the converter still charge the batteries?

    No, of course not ... in the OFF position the battery is disconnected from the coach, including the converter. Turn the switch ON if you intend to charge the battery.