jarata1 wrote:
24 interstate
That is just about the worst choce there is (Group 24, not Interstate)
A Group 24 Interstate per their web page is 73 amp hours at the 20 hour rate... Of those 73 amp hours you can use, safely, perhaps 25 amp hours.. That's not a lot of power and it won't last long
Now if you have room for two of 'em
A GC-2 is almost the same footprint as the Group 24, should fit in the same tray, but it is taller... and two of them in series (they are only six volt) is 220 amp hours at the 20 hour rate give or take 10, and what's more you can safely use half of that or 110 amp hours.
A major improvement (like 4 times the usable power) and the price is not bad either.. Sams' sells decent GC-2's.. Basically repainted Interstate. which is repainted Johnson Controls.