Forum Discussion

Thatelcaminoguy's avatar
Nov 05, 2017

Black tank help!!!

Hello I am a total newbie to the rv world... Like a newbie I really screwed up and did about every wrong thing in the book. I'm not an rv guy just living in my boss's trailer recently. Havent had any of the dissolving chemicals and accidentally left my black tank open by mistake... Low and behold it is clogged to high heaven and stinks like it too and now my tank is completely full to make matters even worse. Please help!!!

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  • Thatelcaminoguy wrote:
    Hello I am a total newbie to the rv world... Like a newbie I really screwed up and did about every wrong thing in the book. I'm not an rv guy just living in my boss's trailer recently. Havent had any of the dissolving chemicals and accidentally left my black tank open by mistake... Low and behold it is clogged to high heaven and stinks like it too and now my tank is completely full to make matters even worse. Please help!!!

    I doubt that just your solids with the tank open has 'filled' the tank.

    First shut your water off at the pedestal. Then step on the foot pedal of the toilet and shine a flash light down it.

    Unless it is filled to the top which I doubt it will be all you need is to get water in there and flush it out.

    Are you hooked up to a sewer connection?

    1. If you know if the bathroom sink dumps into the black it as simple as closing the black tank valve and running the water in the sink until the black tank fills up. Takes all of a few minutes. Then dump tank.

    2. If you don't know that it dumps into the black. Then just take a hose and bring into RV and hold toilet flush pedal down and run hose water down the toilet until the tank fills. and then dump.

    Fill the tank up and dump and keep repeating the process until clear. Should take but one or two times filling up the black tank, maybe three if you've been using the toilet for a long period of time with it open.

    In both instance if you hold the pedal down on the toilet you can see when the black tank is getting full. A flashlight pointed down the toilet opening helps you to see better where the level of water is in tank.
  • If a tt turn the water off open the toilet get a stick or something like that and break up the poo pyramid.and the rinse the tank out
  • Best bet get a flush king to try the cheap way. It should help to get things moving again. Then when you have space to fill the tank with water and get the mass softed which may take some time. If you have a straight drop from the potty to the tank you may be able to break up the mass with broom handle to aid in flushing. If you do this make sure that what you use is not sharp you wouldn't want to poke a hole in the bottom of the tank. I'm sure there will be a number of replies with other suggentions of how to drain the tank. Just remember the stink came from inside you.