Very easy transition. Fact is, a trailer is far simpler & much cheaper than a boat. It is also much roomier, even with the wasted space that RVs have.
No more buying bottom paint at $200-$300 a gal & needs to be redone in a year or so, use the boat or not. Now you are talking tire replacement. Much cheaper. No more bilge pumps, depth finders, expensive electronics like radar to deal with. Campgrounds are much cheaper than marina slips & you get charged by the site, not by the foot. Fuel is cheaper too & you measure your economy in terms of miles to the gallon, not gallons to the mile or things like gallons per hour doing 12mph if you are lucky.
Oh yeah, RVs go lots of places boats don't have a hope of going.
As former very active boaters we considered a trawler but quickly scrubbed the idea for the RV. No regrets. If we want a boat someplace we can always rent or charter.