KMP44 wrote:
Burwoods wrote:
KMP44 wrote:
solar panel and generator should help us with batteries. Of course will have to keep kids off
With a generator you should have no issues. Even when we have electric I try to keep the kids off the tv too. What's the point of camping if you are going to watch tv? :)
exactly, tv, tablets, computer games, movies, I am sure they will be having the shakes with withdrawal from them, lol. We started camping with the first grandson when he was 13 months old, a tent and a playpen. We graduated to a bigger tent and two We have since been camping with our Grandsons every year. They are aware we do not spend the day or night with electronics. And every year they want to go camping with us, so I think they will be ok with us old folks acting like children with them once again. Thanks