winnietrey wrote:
Heather you may well be OK,
As for the three dogs, I am unaware of any state parks of national forest campgrounds that have a dog # restriction. They could but I at least am not aware of any.
As for the salvage title, It could be a great deal, IF YOU GET IT CHEAP ENOUGH TO REFLECT THAT.
At 6100 you are not exactly betting the family farm. The question is why was it considered a total loss?
Remember an INS co will total at about 60% or so of value depending on the company. Then the owner can buy it back.
So the question is what caused the INS co to total it?
It could be pretty minor (body work racks up pretty fast) Up to a huge accident and or roof leak.
If you buy it cheap, you can sell it cheap, and perhaps get many years of use out of it.
But I do not agree with other posters that say you should always run from a salvage title. I would say it depends, they can be a very good deal
I say NEW Tires before traveling.THE TIRES IF OLD ARE NO GOOD no matter how much tread is still on the tire. Minimum $1500.00 to replace 6 tires or take a chance having a blowout at 55 mph and have the potential of $1000.00 damage. $1000.00 is easy to do IF you take out a water tank or electrical components or your bath.There are restrictions on dogs at most National parks not on the number but a lot of national parks limit where the dogs can be New Jersey and conneticut only allows dogs in certain campgrounds and then only on certain sites and charge $5.00 extra with a limit of 2 dogs. SO now you know and I bet there are other states as well but I have not checked in addition private CG may have restrictions and the PIT BULL MIX and 3 dogs will preclude the OP from using them. Some CG have a breed restriction and PIT BULL is at the top of the list of not allowed breeds . Some have a 2 dog limit. Some have both
If there is frame damage which is not easy to spot even with a trained eye then no deal is a good deal.
Have you ever bought a salvage title vehicle in one state and tried to register it in another state? The OP will not know if it is possible until AFTER she has paid because when it gets to Pennsylvania it has to have an inspection to determine whether a new title for Pennsylvania will be issued. What does the OP do then?
As I said previously some insurance companies may not touch the rig so op may be forced into higher insurance price in order to drive the thing. For price point I bought my 1990 Southwind 27 for $4000.00 last year AFTER THE RIG passed inspection at a independent truck repair.I do not consider $6100,00 a really great price for a questionable unit.