First, you might want to read back posts on the Full-timers section of this forum and to post additional questions on that forum. No one person can tell you how much it'll cost. Everyone is different as to how they live. Some can be very frugal and others have unlimited funds. You're also throwing in a curve in that you want to spend 6m in Canada which can be more expensive.
One thing we would definitely recommend is to have no debt going into the lifestyle and that includes your RV and vehicle. Then you need a healthy amount saved for emergency costs - vehicles and medical. Fuel and campgrounds will be big expenses to figure in. Food and normal supplies can be the same as in your stick house. Entertainment expenses - that depends on you. Medical is a biggie nowdays. There are just a lot of variables so start making a list.
We've loved our past 16+ years of full-timing. We have also done a lot of volunteering for our campsite. We travel constantly otherwise and this is probably more costly than getting monthly rates but we love to explore new areas and we still haven't seen it all! We sold the house and everything in it and saved a LOT of money by not having any kind of storage unit.
Another point - if you're married, this lifestyle only works if both of you really want to do it. If you have a hard time parting with your family or your 'stuff' then you really need to rethink this. Any doubts, then don't do it.
As stated, workamping or volunteering in campgrounds can cut down your expenses a lot. Just read a lot from others' experiences and read full-timers blogs to see what their daily life consists of. Good luck.