Then reread the post. Are you blinded by your love of dogs?
Read it quite clearly and understood it quite well. Nope, bashing pit bulls is no different than bashing KOA campgrounds. Some are bad, some are good, some are in-between. Does nothing but fuel flames of an unneeded fire.
On a different tangent, why are dogs at an Apple Festival to begin with?
This is the better question to address. One bad dog can ruin it for the rest. I'm often at events that allow dogs. Mine are generally not with me at such gatherings as I'd rather not have the responsibility. I've seen dogs that shouldn't be there a few times but the overwhelming majority of the time there have been no issues. I agree that almost always it's the stupidity of the owner that's at fault. I am not just a dog lover but a dog person. However, I sometimes question the fairness of having dogs at these events to those who dislike, are allergic to or are afraid of dogs. I don't subscribe to the mantra "if my dog can't go then I won't go". Expecting everyone to adore and be comfortable with your dog is selfish and disrespectful.