Forum Discussion

JG's avatar
Oct 23, 2019

Dog Attack

We were camping in a area in our Casita & found an Apple Festival was going on. We grabbed out little dog and we were on our way. It was at an apple farm. It was crowded and folks had there dogs with them on a lease. As we were leaving I noticed a man sitting on a loading dock,with 2 Pitbull looking dogs. My wife told me to stop & we need to go another way. A couple walked by us with a black & white collie past the 2 large dogs. The one large dog alerted and the owner put his arm around both dogs necks. The larger dog backed away & the owner tried to stop him but the dog was to powerful. It pulled out of it's harness and attacked the collie in a matter of seconds. It was horrible. The leg & shoulder was injured on the Collie by the time the big dog was pulled away. Some one got a towel & wrapped the dog up & the owner got on her phone to find a emergency vet in the area. What if this had been a child? If your dog is to big to control, leave it at home.
  • Terrible happening.

    My dogs don't go to people events like a festival. It's too much going on and too crowded to be safe. Regardless of how well-trained my dogs are, the atmosphere creates an unsafe situation. The noises, foods, and people can stress out a dog easily and that can mean a dog fight or worse. Even if MY dog is the perfect dog and completely safe, that doesn't make every other perfect.
  • I once had a Doberman, retired K-9, sight and voice command. I am a firm believer that if you are going to have a large powerful dog, it needs to be well trained. Make that any dog because those little yappers can inflict bad bites as well. Your pets need to be trained in the event they get away from you.

  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    After the vet bill it's time for the lawyer's bill..

    But yes. If I'd been there and the dog had attacked the child.. Well. I have no qualms on killing a dog (or its owner) to protect a child.