As for depreciation. I don't buy to sell. when I buy something. What I can get for it when I trade, or sell it. Is the very LAST thing on my mind. I buy to suit ME. It's my money, It's MY RV.
No matter what you think. New is just so much better than used for a million reasons. Biggest, and most important reason. DW will NOT allow a used camper to be brought here. She has had to settle for someone else's cast offs for too long. Now she wants what she wants, and doesn't want hand me downs.
IF you have never bought new. If all you have ever had was second hand. You would not understand. The new smell, The knowledge that you are the only one to use the stove, the microwave, the bed, the awning, the shower. The fact that you don't have to worry if every thing works or not. It will, or it will be fixed.
Oh and that deprecation. Make a good deal, and you can sell it for real close to what you paid for it. Mine is valued right now for my buying price