Forum Discussion

Jayla's avatar
Aug 29, 2015

"Don't Buy New"

I notice a lot of you say not to buy a brand new rv unit. I'm "assuming" this is because it takes a while to shake all the right-out-of-the-factory bugs out of it and locate all the problems associated with the newness. Today, however, I went on my first real shopping expedition for a fifth-wheeler and most of the warranties on brand new units are only for the first year. Wouldn't that be the wise time to buy - when stuff is still under warranty and you don't have to pay out of pocket for repairs? Thanks for your thoughts.
  • Yes, the majority of folks seem to say not to buy new, We are on our second new one and have no regrets. Our warranty is for 2 years, and the first 5w had nothing wrong, the second one a few minor problems, but they have been taken care of no,problem. The biggest reason for not buying new is most likely the ghastly depreciation when you drive off the lot. We never considered used, we wanted what we smells and all the bells and whistles! :)
  • Im with you and your common scenes approach. The only thing I would add is that you try to use it as often as you can in that first year. If you work it hard, and use everything, if something is going to break that will do it. Sorta like a stress test the first year. And lastly you could probably get an extended warranty fairly reasonable. Good luck in what you decide.