Dry camping is completely different than full-hook-up camping.... Much of what we do is dry-camping, so for us, we've perfected it to fit our needs.
1) Water - Many start by hauling 5-gallon water jugs, but I found a 40-gallon water bladder at Camping World that is designed to drain my gravity to your tank. Instead, I rigged a 12v pump that is supplied by the trailer hitch jack on the truck. This allows me to fill completely every couple of days, instead of it being a daily chore.
2) Dumping - Only three possible answers that I know of....
a) Blue Tote
b) Avoid using your facilities, and use CG facilities instead
c) many CG's will pump your tank, or have a vendor do it, for a fee
3) Electric - Generator, solar, or combination of both.
Hope that this helps!!!! We get to see a LOT that we wouldn't otherwise get to see, because we've mastered dry-camping. Don't miss the adventure, strictly because you become dependent on hook-ups!