Bear in mind, all these gloves end up somewhere. Usually in landfills where they don't decompose. They also end up in rivers, streams, oceans etc. and have a pretty nasty impact on the environment. And for what? I mean I get that some have an aversion to this sort of thing but exposure to bacteria is not bad. Matter of fact lack of exposure to bacteria and the recent fad to sterilize everything has had a negative impact on people's immune system by virtue of the inability to develop natural defenses. I find this all a bit silly frankly. It's not hazardous waste. You have a better chance for contamination going to the bathroom than dumping your tanks properly. And guess what, if you weren't sick when you filled up your tank, you won't get sick when you empty it. No metamorphosis occurred. You probably consume more fecal bacteria on your food from fertilization of fields or contaminated water than any (if any) exposure to dumping your tank. At any given time it's estimated that 14 different kinds of coliform bacteria exist in non-chlorinated water. And chlorine is far worse by comparison. If you don't lick your hands after dumping you are no more prone to dysentery than using a public restroom that's had bacteria deposited from a million of your closest friends. Been dumping my tanks without gloves since I have been camping. Never once had any symptoms of contamination. Maybe because I have a healthy immune system due to not using gloves. I also know I am not continually adding to landfills or to the ill effects of non biodegradable waste.