Mickeyfan0805 wrote:
I agree with others, but I do think the one caveat might be the relative handiness of the purchaser. Some of us will go to great lengths to self-diagnose and fix. For those in that camp, warranties are especially unnecessary. In 8.5 years with our current trailer it has been to the shop 2x - once to replace the tires and the other time to replace an axle. All other issues I have dealt with myself.
If, on the other hand, you are one that will blush at the notion of replacing a toilet seal or repairing a door slide, you either want a warranty (with a bunch of patience) or a financial plan to pay for the issues along the way.
Even if you do blush at replacing a toilet seal, it will still be a lot cheaper and FASTER to just set the $7k aside and pay someone to do it.