I have never been a fan of "extended Warranties" or "service contracts".
However, I got one on both the PT Cruiser and the Southwind.
The one on the Southwind saved us a couple hundred bucks on some minor problems that the dealer should have taken care of but didn't.
The one on the PT saved us several hundred dollars when the power center/computer went bad and had to be replaced.
The Jeep Rubicon was a Certified Pre Owned vehicle, so it also came with a free extended warranty. I have never had to use it. Yet.
As with all insurance programs, Extended Warranties are, IMO, a sucker bet. YOU are betting the insurance company that there will be expensive problems with your rig, and you will get your money back before the rig or the insurance is ever paid for.
The insurance company is betting you that you will pay a couple thousand dollars for the insurance, and have no claims at all.
Who usually wins? Well, think about it; the insurance company ALWAYS makes a profit. They HAVE to make a profit to stay in business and keep their stockholders happy!
good luck.