I really think that most folks think those who borrow can't or won't save to get what they want. And it's simply not true in a lot of cases. Without credit our financial system would collapse. People invest at a higher rate of return than what they borrow and you make money. Borrowed funds at x rate, invested with a return of X+Y and you are ahead, mitigated risk of using your own funds and a lot of other plusses. Nothing wrong with paying cash, but nothing wrong with responsible use of credit either. Not sure why people get so uptight about the issue. If you save your money via a saving account, the bank pays you a fee (interest) but they invest that money for a higher rate of return. Banks borrow money from the Fed at a rate and lend it at a higher rate to make money. People borrow money from the banks and invest at a higher rate of return. It's finance 101. There are 3 main types of people; savers, investors, and a mild combination of the 2 where people don't really invest or save. But here is an important point, there are irresponsible people in each category. Bad investors who cost us all money, and bad credit users who cost us all money. Most people simply do not sit in a position to save or pay cash for things like a MH, or a house or a car. Some of you who do, my hat is off. The rest of us use credit. It simply needs to be used responsibly.