Forum Discussion

Rbtscamper's avatar
Mar 25, 2014

First Time Camping:What to bring?

Hello All! My husband and I will be taking our first trip in our refurbished Truck Camper we've been working on for a year now. (very excited)

I was hoping to get some suggestions from you seasoned campers on what are some essentials for your first trip. (Supplies, food, etc...)

We will have a full hook-up at our campground and do have a propane stove and sink in our camper.

Any advice is welcome! Thanks!
  • ependydad wrote:
    Here, I wrote up exactly that scenario!

    Newbie - First Trip Essentials

    That covers what you *need* for the first trip. After getting through that, you can see where your "should have" and "wants" take you.

    THIS is a must-read!!!

    And I'm going to second the "headlamps" (flashlights you wear on your head) - they are priceless when it comes to doing something after dark because they leave both hands free to use tools, move stuff, or pick up dog poo... and after the morning that our entire RV Park lost power an hour before sunrise - well, the headlamps were invaluable for helping us get packed up and on the road.
  • bring your smile and comfortable outside chairs as you are just going to have a great time and learn as you go. As long as I remember to bring my rv all is good on the trip. Some out best times are to a local rv park 60 miles away.

    This is what we use on outside table to hold mustard,ketchup bottle,napkins,plastic forks,salt and pepper. The beer goes in cooler;)
  • It's going to be an adventure like no other... and a learning curve initially as well. The good thing is you have one of the best resources in the World to help out right here on this Forum. Friendly folks that are here to assist..offer free advice, give you awsum tips to save you time and money...and keep you safe as you set out on your journey!

    A trip to Camping World is in order...not to buy yet perhaps..but to get an idea of what you may want at some point!

    You'll also find that other RVers are amongst the kindess, open and outgoing people anywhere. Always willing not just to explain something to you..but show you how to do it.

    I jumped into RVing when I was 20, traveling by myself on smaller trips around Southern California un a small new Jayco Pop-up towed by a F150. Met a lot of great new friends, learned a lot about the beauty of California too. Met my "wife to be" at a campground in "Montana de Oro" State Park in San Luis Obispo Calif, too!

    Good luck!
  • Food what ever you need to cook the food in. Drinks, cloths towels linens paper towels tolet paper:) a chair to sit by a fire. Relaxe, if you forget something eather know where a store is or live without. After 5 years of camping we usually forget something, as long as it's fun it's all good.
  • First trip should always be your driveway. Next trip pencil and lots of paper for your lists. Wal-Mart close by is always nice too. Keep the meals simple for the first trip after that you will figure the rest out. If you have an iPad download checklist app. It is free and a great tool for loading for a trip.