Forum Discussion

Jcs1382's avatar
May 24, 2017

First Time for Rally-Style Parking...questions!

OK, I'll be attending the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta this October and am working out what that means for me (my rig) in terms setting up the 'site'.

Rig: 37ft Sundance
Tow Vehicle: Ram 3500 crew cab, 6ft bed (diesel)
Rally site is listed as 50ftx19ft. My combo exceeds the 50 ft & could barely fit side-by-side within the 19 ft.

I'd like to pull the RV forward as far as possible, disconnect & park the truck diagonally at the back. This would be convenient for hooking up my gennies to the RV power port.

1) do people center the RV or skew to the left? (with allowance for slides which are all on the left & assuming there really isn't much space/need for the awning)

2) Is there etiquette for where the tow vehicle goes?

  • prichardson wrote:
    Plan to have your truck ahead of the trailer. Do not expect to have vehicle access to the rear of your site after parking.

    Not quite true. TV parking depends on where you are put. There are single line rows of sites as well as double.

    Done the Fiesta twice. First time as part of an owners group. Single line but we had all units fwd in sites. Second time we simply showed up. No reservations & about picked our own available site. Got lucky & had a single line site again, front row, right on Alemada.
  • Plan to have your truck ahead of the trailer. Do not expect to have vehicle access to the rear of your site after parking.
  • We plan to be there, 3rd time, for the mid week till the end. Parking is tightish in the dry camping area. The parking people will guide you to either fwd of rear of your site. No biggie. They have done it many times before. We will be doing the dry camping section off of Alemeda. No reservations made. Doubt if reservations will be made. The busiest days are the first 3 or 4. After that there are big holes all over for camping in the dry area.
  • Cliff - land of manana... :-) BTW - excellent overview photo. I'd been browsing, but hadn't seen that one.

    Matt - agreed. I'll go ahead and plan for the worst-case scenario so I can make sure to have enough 30A cord. Unfortunately, that means buying another 25' segment... those poor electrons just don't jump across air-gaps.
  • I park what's best for my slides and utility connections.
    Park your truck however.
  • Yes, parking on the RV flat is tight. You had better get the plan to park the TV tight to the coach and figure it out from there.

  • As an Albuquerque native, I'm inclined to but am resisting answering your question since I have absolutely no first hand experience of the RV area. I was able to google an aerial photo of the RV parking and it might help answer some of your questions. Given this is the land of manana, I doubt anyone with the fiesta will question your actions unless they are grossly out of line or they receive a complaint from another visitor.

    Enjoy the show,
  • Haven't been there personally but a friend was at the last one and says parking is real tight.