Forum Discussion

jawsthemeswimmi's avatar
Aug 31, 2016

First time in the RV

My wife, son, and I are going camping for the firs time since we got our Flagstaff Microlite 23LB travel trailer this weekend. We won't have any hookups. Wondering if anyone can provide any last minute advice on common rookie mistakes, etc? We used to have a popup so we're not new to camping but definitely new to the travel trailer. Thanks.
  • My suggestion would be to take precautions backing a larger unit than you are used to,
    into a campsite. Have wife spotting for you.
  • if you have only one battery, you'll have to conserve battery power, along with water.

    don't use the furnace because it can drain a single battery after one night.

    most of us that dry camp or boondock, have at least two deep cycle batteries.
    we also have a generator/solar power, a tote tank and a water jug.
  • With no hookups my Wife showers in the RV and I shower in the campground shower. She uses far less water than I do.
    You may want to dump the dishwater into the toilet since it will probably fill up much more slowly. The shower is typically the worst.
  • Go to Home Despot and get a small valve that fits between the shower head and the hose, it is a button that can be pushed with one finger, my wife had a hard time with the shower head lever so I installed the button, it makes taking "navy" showers a lot easidr, one had needed rathdr than two, one pusg of button wzter off push button on other side wztdr on.

    We got a couple of basins that fit in the sink and wife would was dishes and cutlery in one and rinse in the other, this waster was then given to the plants and trees, we started this when we had the VW bus that I converted for camping.

    Every outi g will be a new adventure and will also turn a light bulb in your head as to what you can do for next trip as in getting stuf or modifying other stuf.

    Enjoy the time.

  • - Never let the water run; dish washing (you don't need to fill the sink), showering (wet, shut it off (should be a button on the shower head), wash, rinse).
    - Make sure your gray and black water valves are closed, don't ask why I say this :-).
  • Well, I just did a little "stalking" and read many of your posts here to the forum. I did this because your situation interests me greatly. We also made the switch this summer from a popup, which we used for many years, to a Flagstaff MicroLite 23LB - same trailer as you.

    My advice to you about your first trip: trust your research and just go out and enjoy yourselves! This is supposed to be fun! Yeah, you'll find that you forgot some things, and it may be that some things on the trailer don't work exactly as you hoped they would, but don't sweat it at this point. Focus on the reason you're doing all this.

    Have a great time!

    (I've been blogging about my first travels here.)

  • be conservative with your water and lights. taking a little extra water might not be a bad idea. corvettekent made a good suggestion by bringing jumper cables. Have a good time :)