1995brave wrote:
janechucknicodemus wrote:
WE /I have found that a lot of state parks , you can fish w/out a licence IN THE PARK, most state parks have a different view, now Texas from the bank no permits are required. From a boat need one.
Check out the states you are going to be in on the net. Pretty simple really.
Kentucky was 44 per year.
We usually stay for over 3 months in a state as hosts so it makes sense to me to get a permit.
But if I were just passing thru,,?? Ask the local sporting good store.
Good luck and happy fishing.
Here is the Regulations for fishing in Texas.
For persons fishing in public water from private property, a fishing license is required.
that is sort of different. in VA property owner's can fish from their property without a license. problem is on Gaston one does not "own" the land up to the high water mark or something like that so you might have an awfully long cast depending on the slope of your property.