LarryJM wrote:
Yep you obviously understand and have done your homework in understanding the performance of the various antenna options out there and IMO your evaluation and ranking is spot on IMO.
Thank you Larry... Actually, RESEARCH is kind of a hobby of mine, that's one of the reasons I like the forums, gives me lots of chances to research and learn.
Plus as a Ham, I design and build some of my own antennas (Very easy to do for the simpler designs) so I can look at an antenna and make some evaluations.. AND at least one other forum member who has access to a full electronics lab.. Well I read his side by side reports. Well, I have the technical knowledge to read his reports, and did so.
Many people talk about how much better their TV is after they downgrade to a Jack, but do not realize the problem was corrosion on the F-Connector at the antenna,, which they cleaned in the process of swapping out the heads.