Forum Discussion

AlwaysDreaming's avatar
Jun 25, 2018

Florida to Upstate NY (Saratoga Springs)

2017 22 Ft. Class C Ford E-350 Super Duty Triton V10 flat towing Ford Fiesta (2600 lbs). About 10 MPG in Florida (flat elevation)

I-95 to I-87 Eastern Seaboard Route is flat elevation but crowded and requires correct timing, especially if boon docking "overnight".
1300 miles / 10 MPG = 130 Gal X $2.80 = $364 ($728 round trip)

I-95 to I-77 to I-81 to I-88 to I-87 is the road less traveled, no timing required, easy boon docking "overnight". Less than 1 hr extra time difference one way. However, hilly (Mountainous?) terrain, Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, Endless Mountains in PA, Catskills in NY.

Anybody have experience on these routes and how MPG is affected?
For Example, If I lose 3 MPG going through the mountain valleys:
1300 miles / 7 MPG = 186 Gal X $2.80 = $521 ($1042 round trip)

That is a savings of $314 staying on the crowded seaboard.

Am I thinking straight? Even at a $200 savings I would be inclined to save the money

  • I wouldn't expect a 30% decrease in average fuel mileage, assuming your speed is about the same in either case. Don't forget to factor in tolls as well: none on the I-81 route, some on the other route depending on exactly how you go. (The little bit of NY thruway on I-90 between I-88 and I-87 is free if you go between those two exits specifically.)

    Personally, especially with a motorhome, I'd take the I-81 route pretty much every time--and indeed I have done so in a car several times as my dear mother now lives in Florida.
  • JaxDad's avatar
    Explorer III
    IMHO the big killer is the fact you're trying to push a large garden shed down the highway, the parasitic losses due to wind resistance is the big killer.

    Don't forget also, for every hill you have to climb, there's a downhill you get to coast too. It's only the difference in fuel to climb minus the fuel saved coasting down that hill that you have to account for. I'd be surprised if you'd notice much of a difference in mileage once you're towing a car already.

    I do the reverse of that route, Toronto to Florida, on a pretty regular basis. For the few times I need a car at the other end I just rent. I get a brand new car delivered to me for a few days for about the increased fuel cost just to hit the border!! ;-p