COMudturtle wrote:
We are preparing to start full time RVing in our 5th wheel unit. 1. Looking for an organization in Colorado that provides forward mail to us while on the road. We currently live in Colorado and want to maintain our Colorado residency. 2. We are planning on selling our property. Our son lives in Colorado. Is it permissible and legal for us to use his home address as our legal residence? Thank you for your time and effort in helping us.
Yes, it is allowable to use your son's address. We used my parents and then my sisters since 2007. In fact the State of Michigan demanded we provide an address (not PO Box) in order to renew our drivers license. Obviously, make sure your son is OK and will forward any mail that winds up there as a result.
Your legal residency in terms of voting rights stays with the last state where you were officially a resident anyway.
There are mail forwarding services (SD & FL are most popular) and they can give you an address to act as a residence. SD & FL are popular due to no income tax...but be careful of other costs.