A really, really good 4G signal, even when you can get 50 Mbps download speeds, will still have a lot of latency for online gaming. Most serious gamers don't use wireless anything (keyboard, mouse or WiFi) because of latency.
Recently we took a road trip (without the RV - I know, oh the horror). While at a rest stop so mom could take a potty break, my son took out my old Droid Razr HD that he uses to play games on over WiFi because the rest stop had free WiFi. He played a game for about 2 minutes when he got a pop up stating he had used up his bandwidth allotment. In 2 minutes playing a game on a Android smart phone.
My sister recently bought an iPhone for her son. Before that, her and her husband never went over their shared 2 GB data plan. Since her son uses the phone more to play games than anything else, she had to up their data plan to 6 GB shared so to not to go over their monthly allowance. That's a lot of data for gaming on a smartphone.
Satellite and 4G data has just too much latency for online gaming to be enjoyable. If you don't mind the lag, you most likely may mind the dollars you shell out for data usage.