lets see now - Big trailer or motorhome getting 6-8MPG or my OFF-ROAD POPUP getting 18-20MPG. The wind load is a bear to deal with.
I know I don't have the move around space inside but I have most the same modern appliances and things the big guys have. I also don't have to have deep pockets keeping things repaired and roadworthy...
Less move around space inside makes us sit outside more to enjoy the mosquitoes haha
I'm not beat to death after driving 300-400 miles either. A 450 mile trip to Gatlinburg with gas costing 3.50 a gal is around $85 for us - can make it on one tank. At 7MPG that would cost around $225 and three fill ups before we made 450 miles... 23 gallons verses 68 gallons or something like that... That would be a hugh difference for us...
We can also still drive through a McDonalds Drive thru window and order Big Macs - got the tummy to prove it...
Lots of things to consider going bigger - not always the best move for everyone. Everyone really doesn't have to move their complete household setup just to boggie down the road.
We have a great time on less monies. Our best camping times is usually off-the beaten path camping off the power grid anyway.
Not knocking the big guys at all here - just not for us...
just me thoughts
Roy Ken