Billyrv1232 wrote:
New to camper van rving, bought a 25 year old coachman can with a 20 yr old Onan microlite 2800, van in great shape with only 60k miles,bought last November, used generator afew times over winter,ran fine, does not stay started,took to an Onan teck and he says need to put generator,some electrical problem,. Tough question,is it worth fixing,. Tx. Anybody know gentec industry in Riverton. NJ, they have my rv
Not familiar with gentec, but not staying started doesn't sound like an electric-electric problem (as in 120V). It may be an electrical problem with the engine (ignition, plugs, wires, points if it still had them). Recently my 33-year-old Onan 6.5 wouldn't stay running, either. It was the ignition points (engine electrical).