Ronny... you'll have several internet options on the road. Satellite will provide you with a connection anywhere, provided you have a clear line of site to the bird in the sky. Setup costs can vary from around $1,500 on up, plus a monthly usage fee and due to the distance the signal has to travel, it isn't the quickest.
An "air card" from one of the major carriers, ie. ATT, Verizon, and Sprint have become very popular with RVers due to the low initial costs and increased proliferation of cell towers. There has been very few places where I couldn't get a signal in the east. A "MiFi" card can be used to connect multiple devices to the net at the same time. Cost is around $50/mo for 5G of data with a two year commitment. I'm amazed at how quickly Verizon is upgrading their towers to 4G capability providing broadband speed. You can also purchase a plan from Millenicom, a reseller, that offers 20G of 3G/4G service for $70/mo.
Finally, you can find many commercial RV parks that offer WiFi to their customers. Some figure the service into their nightly rate and some charge extra. I've found their services to be marginal at best. You won't find many public parks that offer it.
As far as a 99 F-150 4x4 for a tow vehicle, think travel trailer. You can tow more than you can haul. The carrying capacity of your truck limits you to the smallest of 5ers, like a Scamp. The pin weight on a 5er runs about 20% of it's GVWR when loaded, ready to camp. Good luck and travel safe.