You might want to see if you can get a laptop for traveling. Would be a lot easier as far as use, not having to setup. Maybe you can trade your desktop to someone with a laptop or sell and purchase one either new or used. The reason I suggest this is there are many places you can get internet access and portability to get to them is a key. You have the restaurants, Libraries, coffee shops, malls, Downtown public area's, and some campgrounds. Many campgrounds have access but depending on the size of the campground, you may be a significant distance from the antenna and get a poor sgnal. Having a laptop many times allows you to walk down to the store, check in office or pool and hang out where the signinal is very strong and use it with much less frustration.
Another option is to get a directional external antenna that you can mount on your TT,get high into the air, improving line of sight and you can plug into your laptop. Pointing this towards the signal often increases the signal strength from 0-2 bars to something much more usable.
Good luck in your travels and adventure. Sounds fun!