Forum Discussion

mtnbbud's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 29, 2015

How do you keep plastic leveling blocks from slipping?

On my last trip, I was having trouble keeping my Camco leveling blocks from sliding on the blacktop as I was driving my trailer tires up onto them. (I've only used them on gravel sites in the past.)

I eventually had to resort to having my wife pull the truck forward while I put my foot onto the front edge of the blocks until the trailer tire began to come up onto the blocks.

My wife typically doesn't want any involvement in getting the TT level. Is there a trick to keeping the blocks from sliding? (The blocks also shot out from under the tire when pulling off of them when getting ready to leavethe site)
  • Stack them in a pyramid, interlocking them to stair step their way up.
  • Lots of good suggestions so far. One trick I learned is to place the blocks about two inches away from the tire and roll up onto the block or blocks in one quick movement.

    If I place the block right against the tire it would slip when ever I was on a smooth surface. Good luck
  • I keep the "Leggos" from slipping by using pieces of 2x8, 15" long with a bevel on each end. One in front of the front tire and one between the tires. Pull forward.
  • I can do two at once, but not three. Switched to Andersen Levellers and are very happy with them
  • OkSixpack wrote:
    Could you take a rubber hammer and give them a tap to get them tightened up against the tire before pulling up on them?

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I tried tapering the blocks, but they still slipped. I like the rubber mallet suggestion. I should add a rubber mallet to my supplies.

    The lot I was parked in was newly paved and sloped downward.
  • Agree with clouddriver, & I interlock them as I stack them.
  • Agree with Mockturtle. No problem on pavement with Lynx blocks when going up one step at a time. Trying to go up onto a two block high step usually slides the blocks when on pavement. Avoiding this issue was one reason I bought an additional set of blocks.
  • I'm sure you know this, but the stack has to be gradually tapered--you can't just drive up on two or three blocks at a time.
  • Could you take a rubber hammer and give them a tap to get them tightened up against the tire before pulling up on them?
  • I found that Lynx leveling blocks are the best. I have used them in several RVs and have never had them slip. Some yellow ones I had (Camco?) broke more easily, too.