I really, really love these milage posts.
"I get 12.39877 mpg at 46.8 mph".
"Well, I get 12.34287 mpg at 51.2 mph at 3408.7 feet altitude".
It dosen't matter at all what one driver get's over another, cause every rig is different and we all drive differently. I didn't buy a 31 foot box on wheels expecting good gas milage, or to worry about a mpg more or less.
I maintain the speed limit, towing a dingy, and when the tank gets down to a third, I gas up. It is what it is, and I don't worry about getting or losing a mpg. Too busy looking at the scenery and the sights to monitor my gas guage every second.
Sorry if I ruffled some feathers, but what you get or don't get has no bearing at all on my driving habits or my rig or my mpg.