et cetera wrote:
way2roll wrote:
I vaguely remember your story about buying some land or something around the DC to put an RV.
Lots of RV dealers near the DC metro area. I have purchased RV's from Leos' and Chesaco is pretty large. There's a CW in Fredericksburg. Google is your friend here.
I get it there are lots of dealerships, I am trying to get a reference for a good one instead of blindly trying one.
Read reviews - again google is your friend here. I don't want to sound snarky but a lot of your questions can be answered in a matter of minutes with a little research, a few phone calls and trips to a few dealers. Don't borrow trouble and make things more complicated than they are.
I would avoid CW as they seem to have a bad reputation. I like Leo's but that was over a decade ago when I bought from them. Frankly I couldn't care less where I buy an RV from as long as I get the deal I want. Warranty and post sale service it where it matters and you can take your Rv to any dealer that services that brand even if you didn't buy it there. With low credit scores you are less likely to win at driving a hard bargain. Doesn't mean you can't try.
I feel a little condescending spelling this out but;
1 - Get a free copy of your credit report from equifax, you can sign up to get free updates on any credit activity and updates real time via email and check your score at any time.
2 - Read google reviews of dealerships in your area
3 - Pick a dealer and visit them
4 - Shop Rv's
5 - If you like one, ask them to run a soft pull to see if you qualify to buy it
- Rinse and repeat 2-5 until you buy.