et cetera wrote:
Crowe wrote:
Go get yourself a credit card with a small limit. Then go buy some stuff and pay it off in a couple of payments. Then do it again. This will start to establish your credit. Banks love borrowers. You will pay some interest and your rate may be higher than someone who has established credit but it will be a starting point.
Already did that, got 3K limit on it.. sigh. 3 months into it. It did raise my creditKarma rating 100 points but not sure how real or bogus it is. Still don't have a FICO score.
How much would I be qualified for in my circumstances. Non-existent credit, high income and zero debt load?
Sounds like I need to visit the local Federal Navy Credit Union and my bank to begin with and go from there.
No one here can say what you'd qualify for. If you subscribe to one of the credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax or Transunion) or MYFICO you can get your FICO score. Having a monitoring agency can help prevent fraud in your name. This, along with checking your bank accounts, etc., at least daily will help keep you safe. Definitely start at your Credit Union. Letting either the bank or the CU do an auto withdrawal will increase your loan chances.