way2roll wrote:
I feel a little condescending spelling this out but;
1 - Get a free copy of your credit report from equifax, you can sign up to get free updates on any credit activity and updates real time via email and check your score at any time.
Nope. I just spent an hour on this equifax matter to no avail. Could not login on their web site. Asking me for confirmation stuff, 4 questions and not recognizing my info. Told me to call their number. After long wait but before I could talk to an "agent", asked me for confirmation, the same 4 questions I had issues with and then kicked me off from the call. Just lovely.
Finally ended up getting through to them and talk to someone who said they needed additional info before they could proceed and I could only mail in it or fax it to them, and would not take it over the phone. What year do they live in, 1989? Just total frustration.
That got nowhere. I don't have the equifax credit report. I just gave up.
Next stop was The Navy Federal Credit Union, I was able to do an application there and they automatically denied me. And that's that. I asked for a 20K auto loan, figuring I could use a TV for a TT and if denied for an auto loan can assume would equally deny for an RV loan. They could not do an instant RV prequalified loan.
The good news is I was able to remove my only collections agency item from my credit report and they said it will take 30 days for it to show up on the credit report. I figure that will boost my equifax credit score. The other good news is, 4 more months and I will have had my credit card for 6 months which should also boost my credit score. So I will re-engage the loan process in August and keep monitoring my score in creditKarma. I realize it's not accurate but you can at least see it go up/down and they do report some things accurately.
Meanwhile, I will just buy a compact TT with cash since I already have a Tahoe as my TV. Thinking maybe 22' or so. Since it's just me and I don't want to overextend it. I've seen people tow more with a Tahoe but I think 20-22 is my comfort zone. I see ads for such TT in the 5-7K range which is affordable without a loan.