I don't want to judge or pile on but I agree that something about all this doesn't add up. You can go through life figuring out ways how not do things, or figure out ways how to do them. This isn't that difficult given the facts provided. But maybe not all the facts have been provided. You control your credit. And while I applaud you for all your charitable donations, sounds like you've left yourself charitable. You've been talking about variations of this plan since last year. In that time you could have saved enough to buy a TT and executed your plan. Although I still don't see how Buying a TT, and either buying land or staying in campgrounds is an easier or cheaper life than an apartment. And while it sounds romantic, is that the right environment for you and your son? Maybe the trauma of divorce has left you with a bit of a mid life crisis and you are searching for something..Perhaps the reason your plan has eluded you to this point, is that it's not a well thought out plan.