Forum Discussion

fallonator22's avatar
Dec 30, 2017

How would you read this?

We are currently in Little Rock, AR at an RV park overlooking the river that is pretty much all concrete and gravel.
Rules in the park's pamphlet stated 'no ground fires' and that is all it said in regard to fires.
My question is, do you think small fire pits would be acceptable? It has 4 legs, a screen when left unattended, etc. Too late to call the park, and was thinking we might want to do a fire on our last night here since the view is so nice.
  • No ground fires means just that. If your fire is in a self contained raised container that will not harm grass, kept small enough to not harm trees, is tended and extinguished when unattended, so long as there is not a lot of leaves about, every camp we are familiar with is ok with it.
    Now. should a fire spread outside your container, you would be liable. enjoy, CAREFULLY. Several states in the mid south are under drought fire ban. check your area.
  • With that specific wording I think a portable fire pit is exactly what they are shooting for.
  • If it's in a container with legs, it's not on the ground.

    I'm guessing they don't want a bunch of charred stuff and ashes in random spots. Make sure you have a place to dispose of what's left.
  • See anyone else having a fire?

    Pass.....not important enough to create a situation

    BTW--- a 'fire' should never be left 'unattended' screen or no screen