ghostrider421 wrote:
Matt_Colie wrote:
As a lifelong waterman, a licensed mariner and pathological sailor, I can assure you that those people are every where. I keep having to remind people that the only thing it takes to run a powerboat or motorhome that does not require a special license in the home state is....
A Credit Rating (and a pulse?)
There are some idiots on sailboats too, but they can't get very far and can't go very fast.
Oh, I almost forgot...
There is one BIG difference between an RV and a Boat....
Water can leak OUT of an RV.
I have the proper papers to operate this 15m vessel - applied for and accepted before leaving Georgetown. Re-accepted by Brasilian officials on the "Q" dock in Belem.
It's not like the USofA - where anyone can drive an rv or boat - without instruction or proper licenses. Canada has cracked down on boat operators several years ago. Down here you can't move anything over 12m offshore without the proper licensing and documents.
All the licenses in the world won't remove human error from the equation. Licensed drivers, licensed pilots and licensed captains have had accidents.
Solid, rigid construction was proven years ago to offer inferior protection in accidents, hence why modern automobiles are engineered to dissapate energy thru crumple zones and the like. Your basic RV full of plastic, luan panels, aluminum and other lightweight materials is much safer in a collision than your grandfather's solid steel Cadillac Coupe DeVille.