Forum Discussion

ghostrider421's avatar
Aug 30, 2019

I didn't buy an RV

Years ago I did the second home bit and it was great while the kids were growing up. But now we're kind of lonely and the rv crowd is more aloof. I've owned a half dozen class c, vans, class a and a dozen or more tt's.

The thing that bothers me the most is lack of training. I know from experience living in the USA for a while that anyone with a reg Florida drivers license can drive off with a 55000lb class a and have no training. That scares me more than the drunk drivers out there.

So why should I buy another rv?

So I opted for a boat - maybe a slightly better choice given that it's steel. And solid - it doesn't roll when you walk the decks at night. The maintenance was high because it had been in saltwater. But now it's in fresh (Amazon Riv) so the bottom jobs won't be needed every three years. And the corrosion is minimal now.

Since moving to the marina - the people are more accepting of quirky people and help out far more. If you haven't tried it I highly recommend a week long rental cruiser and see what you're missing. That is before you decide on an rv.
  • "So I opted for a boat - maybe a slightly better choice given that it's steel. And solid - it doesn't roll when you walk the decks at night."

    Must be a mighty big boat not to roll when you walk the deck.
  • A boat is a great, low-maintenance, low stress, easily operated RV... as long as you stay tied to a dock. We traveled 1000’s of miles in our 49’ trawler and enjoyed every minute (except the time it was so rough the cat threw up), but when we decided we wanted less stress and maintenance we sold the boat and bought a class B.

    Different strokes for different folks. I hope you enjoy you boat as much as we did ours.

  • Hmmmm...campground lake (or pool) or a river filled with piranhas? I'll take the campground! :)

    Well, whatever floats your boat, literally. We've always found our fellow camper neighbors to be very friendly.

    Have fun!

  • I owned several boats. All were fishing boats. Finally got feed up with the newer group of boaters and sold mine. Too many people with no regard for rules of right of way. Run around all day towing someone on a float with massive speakers, ignoring wake zones, and boating drunk.

    We are already up to 25 boating deaths here in Alabama. Don't here about a lot of people being killed in RV parks and campgrounds.

    Beaches are getting just as bad. overcrowded, with a bunch of people that think no one else matters.

    Most of the time we stay in COE campgrounds, Holidays are a zoo so we stay home. The rest of the time they are pretty quiet.
  • If you think RV crowd is "aloof" then you camp in places I haven't. Maybe you should stick with boats.
  • Been my experience that up here on the Great Lakes, there are a whole bunch of boaters that should be landlubbers.

    Idiots are everywhere in everything. If you can afford to buy it, being a trained and conscientious operator is not mandatory. We have a boat and an RV.
  • I think its apples and oranges. Boating is a whole different things. Personally, I have found the vast majority of campers to be helpful and friendly.