Forum Discussion

missionman's avatar
Sep 05, 2014

is covering the tires necessary?

i store my TT on a large parking lot =, obviously outdoors. It is in the direct elements. I'm reading a couple threads on here now that flip flop both ways. I use the TT every couple of weeks or so and travel anywhere from 25 to 250 miles.
  • One side of my 5er faces south while sitting in my driveway and I cover the tires while it's sitting there for awhile. Don't know if covering them helps their life, But the covers themselves sure don't like sitting in the sun all day.
  • Yes...found out the hard way

    New tires (uncovered) cracked along the sidewalls within two years (1/8 inch wide crack next to the rim). Had to be replaced. Next set covered lasted 6 years.

    We use our RV at least once per month with 300 to 500 mile trips.